
My media diet – Spring 2019


I saw this first on Kottke.org, and I think it’s a great idea. I ‘consume’ a lot of media, so I thought I’d share some of it. If you have any recommendations, get in touch! I’m always looking for new books, sites and podcasts to devour. Oh, and since this is the first time I do this, it’s not all recent.

All the titles are hyperlinks.


I’ll list some podcasts, and sometimes highlight an episode. You know what a podcast is, right? I listen with Overcast.

Accidental Tech Podcast

If you listen to one podcast about Apple and surrounding technologies, this might be the best.

99% Invisible

All about design. Especially listen to the episode about Usonia, about the $5.000 house built by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Rudi en Freddie show (Dutch)

De/The Correspondent is an independent journalism platform in the Netherlands. They are about everything except ‘news of the day’. They also publish multiple podcasts, and this is my favorite. Favorite episode:Hoe de mens de baas op aarde werd, about evolution, and how we fucked our way into being kind to each other.

30 Animals that made us Smarter

Are you into biomimicry, but never know how to explain it? This series by the BBC will give you ample examples.


I listened to all of these as audiobooks. On paper, your mileage may vary.

Paradox Bound – Peter Clines

Nice premise, nice narration, nice story, not too exciting.

Creative Selection – Ken Kocienda

How the process works at Apple, told by a former employee who worked on the original iPhone keyboard.

Artemis – Andy Weir

You know about The Martian, right? This is the next book from it’s writer, and it takes place on… the moon! Once again, witty, technical and full of dry humor.

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August – Claire North

Claire North is one of my favorite authors. In her books, she takes a premise and uses that as the basis for her story. In this case: what would happen if reincarnation was a thing, but you always reincarnated as yourself? Fascinating thought experiment.


The Fabulous Mrs. Maisel

Humor, heart, and a sprinkling of Kevin Pollak. What more could you want?


U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades (Paul Giamatti) goes after hedge fund king Bobby “Axe” Axelrod Damien Lewis. Great actors, great acting, terrible acts.

The Handmaid’s Tale

You probably know this, right? Right?!

The Night Manager

Best show I’ve watched the last few years. Hugh Laurie (House), takes on Tom Hiddleston (Loki in the Marvel Universe). Biggest fault: only one season. Greatest asset: only one season!


Spiderman – Into the Spider-Verse

Go watch this! Best-looking movie of 2018.

A headshot of Marnix


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