Though maybe a sarcastic one… (Dutch)

Observations, ramblings and musings by Marnix van de Veen.
Observations, ramblings and musings by Marnix van de Veen.
Though maybe a sarcastic one… (Dutch)
If you are a/the regular visitor to this site, you’ll notice a new design, and might wonder why that is. Maybe you even think the previous one looked better. There is a single technical reason for the change, but it comes with quite a long story. Once upon a time, in 2001, I bought the domain, mostly to get my e-mail address (m at rnix dot nl). And then you get the possibility to host a site as well. So it began. I think I started at Blogger, followed by self-hosted WordPress, SquareSpace and now self-hosted WordPress again.
When I moved to SquareSpace, it was to get rid of the constant updating of the site. Every time I logged in to my WordPress site I had to update. SquareSpace offered great themes and hassle-free websites for a reasonable ~ €100 a year. However, over the years, SquareSpace has become more of a site for e-commerce sites than personal blogs, making it harder to bang out a quick post. That meant I was posting less and less. So here we go, trying the WordPress thing again. Have a tip for a better cms? Let me know!
I wrote a blog about the corporate story for effectgroep (in Dutch). In short, the corporate story tells the story of your company, without the boring mission, vision and who remembers the third. It’s a story that touches people and is the base for all your communication. By solidifying your identity, you get the employees and customers you deserve.
Door het verhaal vast te leggen, zorg je ervoor dat iedereen hetzelfde vertelt. Sterker nog, een corporate story is een self-fulfilling prophecy. Een bedrijf dat consequent hetzelfde verhaal vertelt en leeft, krijgt vanzelf de klanten, partners en medewerkers die daarbij passen.
Want to know why you need one and how effectgroep produces a corporate story? Head over to
Love this campaign by Hajra Tariq, showing world class athletes ‘maintaining social distancing’.
∞ Via Ads of the World
Not everything should be about Corona. That wouldn’t be smaht.
It will probably not be in theaters this year.
∞ By Seth Meyers
Jason Abaluck just posted a report from Yale University on Twitter:
The conclusion: wear a mask when you go outside, also if you don’t have symptoms. Use a cloth mask, because it will:
– Stop 50% of the virus from going out
– Surgical masks are needed by professionals.
Jason states:
We have two principal recommendations: 1) everyone should immediately begin wearing cloth masks in public, 2) The govt. should immediately use all available means to increase the supply of medical masks, especially by heavily rewarding producers.
The basis for our recommendation is simple: anything that combats the spread of the virus is absurdly valuable due to the resulting reduction in mortality risk (not to mention accelerating resumption of normal economic activity).
This is great. We just have to keep two penguins between us!
A nice hit to enter the weekend (Dutch)…
Which is of course a straight ripoff from the Supermen Lovers’ classic ‘Starlight’.
Double the fun!
As an information addict, you want to have control over your own news. On the other hand, you want to be surprised. So it’s important to have a ‘healthy’ media diet, with predictable sources and curators who surprise you. My solution? RSS, with a lot of content collectors among my subscriptions. Below are my favorite sources. If you read all of them, you’ll find most of what I link to yourself! The list may be updated…
Daring Fireball: John Gruber has been dishing out intelligent commentary on tech as a whole and Apple in particular since the beginning of the millennium.
MacStories: iOS, Mac and shortcuts from the master.
Six Colors: Jason Snell is a journalist turned indie blogger.
Stratechery: Insightful, theoretical observations on the big players in tech and beyond.
The Verge: High-quality tech reporting.
The Wirecutter: Like the Consumentenbond, except I usually agree with their conclusions.
Tweakers: Best (only?) Dutch tech site. Great forum as well.
De Correspondent: Beyond the daily news (Dutch, paywall).
The Correspondent: See above (English, paywall).
DUIC: De Utrechtse Internet Courant: The online Utrecht newspaper (Dutch).
Colossal: Art, inspiration, beauty. Often surprising.
FiveThirtyEight » Features | FiveThirtyEight: Data, visualizations, predictions.
FlowingData: All about the visualization of data: creative communication. Always a surprising source of inspiration.
Learning By Shipping: Steven Sinofsky’s Tweetstorms end up here.
Seth’s Blog: The demi-god of marketing (Seth Godin) has been blogging daily for a loooong time.
Fokke & Sukke: These two birds have been going at it for decades. I just love how Randall Munroe’s mind works.
De Speld: Dutch satire to trigger the mind. Does get repetitive.
Agile Blog: If there’s news about 1Password, I need to know.
ATP World Tour: Did you know you can get all the news about men’s professional tennis?
DuurzaamBedrijfsleven: Sustainability news in Dutch.
Without bullshit: On better non-fiction writing.
Digging the Digital: The ramblings of Frank Meeuwsen. Scripts, software, ADHD.
Anything I’m missing? Let me know!
They discuss what the virus actually does, and how we can protect. Well worth 8 minutes of your time.